Community Resources
Republic Trash Service
Customer Service: 636-947-5959
Trash, recycling, and yard waste pick-ups are scheduled on Wednesdays. See below for more details on trash, recycling
and yard waste.
Missouri-American Water Company (MOAW)
Customer Service: 866-430-0820
Customer Service: 800-552-7583
Street lights: To report a street light outage, contact Ameren directly at 1-800-552-7583 or
Please include address of street light and pole number. The pole number can be found on a tag located about eye level as you are looking at the light pole.
Spire Energy
24-Hour Customer Service: 314-621-6960
Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District
24-Hour Customer Service: 314-768-6260
Bel-Nor City Hall
8416 Natural Bridge Road
St. Louis, MO 63121-4550
P: 314-381-2834
F: 314-381-2263
Non-Emergency Police: 636-529-8210
Emergency: 911
Curbside Pick-up
Republic Services is the contracted trash hauler for the residents of Bel-Nor. Trash, recycle, yard waste and bulk materials are included in your weekly curbside service.
WEDNESDAY is pick-up day for trash, recycling, & yard waste
Holidays: If the following days fall on M, T, W, collection will be on THURSDAY: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving & Christmas
BASICS: All trash/recycling needs to be in a bin and all trash bins need a lid. Put weekly trash/recycle/yard waste out no earlier than 4 p.m. the day before trash day and bring it in by 11:59 p.m. on trash day. See below for recycling & yard waste details.
CARTS: One 95-gallon trash cart and one 65-gallon recycle cart is included with your service. Additional containers are available for a fee, contact Republic Services.
BULK: Two bulk items are included with your service each month at no charge. Bulk item pick up is your last service day of the month. Pick-up needs to be schedule through Republic Services.
APPLIANCES: Appliances will be collected at the curb but need to be scheduled through Republic Services. There is a fee. Many appliance stores will remove old appliances at no charge when delivering new ones, check out that option first!
ELECTRONIC WASTE: Electronic waste cannot be disposed of with your weekly curbside waste collection. Republic Services will pick up for a fee. Check the St. Louis County website for free periodic Electronic Waste drives.
YARD WASTE: Acceptable containers are biodegradable paper bags; personal containers marked with an “X”; bundles of twigs/branches tied with string/twine. All containers have a weight limit of 50lbs. Tree trimmings/branches cannot exceed 4’ in length and 6” in diameter.

Curbside Recycling
These items are accepted in your recycling bin:
Cans of soup, tuna, vegetables, meat, pet food, soft drinks, water, etc.
Clean aluminum foil:
ball it up!
Cereal, pasta, frozen food, any paperboard boxes,
empty paper rolls,
delivery boxes,
pizza boxes with small grease spots
Bottles: Beer, wine, & liquor
Jars: pickles, olives, jelly, sauces, spices, baby food
Rinse, dry, and
keep the lid on
Magazines, mail, newspaper, office paper, paper bags,
non-glitter wrapping paper, tissue paper,
catalogs, greeting cards, receipts, paper egg cartons
Milk, juice, juice boxes, coconut water, soup broth, boxed wine
Rinse it out before you put it in the bin.
Yogurt, sour cream, ketchup, salad dressing, water bottles, soap bottles, clear take-out containers, laundry bottles
Keep lids on bottles.
Do not bag recyclables, keep them loose.
Items should be relatively clean and dry.
75% Recyclable
75% of trash can be recycled. Easy items to recycle beyond curbside: styrofoam, stretch plastic, batteries, wine corks:
check out